

Top 10 Microsoft OneDrive Tips & Tricks

Top 10 Microsoft OneDrive Tips & Tricks

Hi guys in this step-by-step tutorial you can earn the top 10 best Microsoft OneDrive tips & tricks, For example, backup your camera photos and videos, scan documents in high quality, set expiring share links, get increased security with the personal vault, access version history, and many more let's get started

Tip No.1 BackUp Mobile Data

you can use OneDrive to backUp your videos and photos on your phone whether you have iPhone or android

Note if you want to use OneDrive you need to install OneDrive App you can Download for PlayStore or ApplieStore or make an account on Onedrive Website

Tip no.2 Scan documents

you can use OneDrive App to Scan your documents and its use technology for office lens (office lens is better than normal Camera) for use this open your OneDrive App and click on the camera and now you can use office lens 

Tip no.3  Share & collaborate

when you use OneDrive you can share and collaborate with other peoples when you want to share your file or folder with someone else you have to add their Gmail and you can give permission what he can do he can view only or he can edit the file

Tip no.4 Expire share link

You can set a date when you're link going to Expire

Tip no.5 Password protected share link 

You can set a Password to your link  no one else can see it

Tip no.6 Personal vault

what is a Personal vault 
in a Personal vault, you store your personal pic, video, anything else

when you click on Personal vault he sends you a cord on your mobile you need to select the right cord to open your vault 

this is called a two-factor authenticator to verify your identity  to open your personal vault without your authenticator no one sees your images or videos  

Tip no.7 Version history

you have your file or ppt or excel sheet you can see their history what change you done in past and you can load what history you want to edit  again 


you have to right-click on your file and you will see the history option click on it and you will your file history 

Tip no.8 Embed files on web sites

when you have your file on OneDrive and you want to show it on your Website you can use the Embed options just select your file click right and you can see the Embed option and you can use the Embed link on your Website without any problem select Embed option now you have your Embed link

Tip no.9 Keep a file on the device & OneDrive

you can share your file without uploading it on your Onedrive you can keep your file on your PC  without uploading it on Onedrive

and you can share your Onedrive file on your OneDrive PC  

Tip no.10 Restore OneDrive

if somehow you delete your file on your OneDrive you can Restore it very easily but you have only 30days to Restore your file when you delete

Those are 10 Tips and Trick you  Need to Know About